Mindfulness for Menopause
Some symptoms of menopause are not necessarily alleviated by HRT, and women who are using specific medications following breast cancer are not generally allowed to use HRT. Added to this, women who end up with a treatment-induced menopause often find themselves having worse symptoms than women who experience a natural menopause.
Research has shown that mindfulness can be beneficial in the management of hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms such as irritability, low mood, forgetfulness, dryness, itching, joint pain and headaches.
Hot flushes are of course one of the difficult symptoms of menopause. Stress is believed to lower our tolerance to heat, therefore engaging in mindfulness, which has been shown to reduce stress, is considered beneficial in managing hot flushes.
Although studies have indicated that the number and intensity of hot flushes don’t necessarily decrease, your response to them is what matters. If you can respond with acceptance, and less reactivity, rather than becoming frustrated, upset, angry or anxious, this is where an improvement to your quality of life can be felt.
Please contact me for a session tailored to menopause.